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LGBTQ+ Inclusion Trainings for Workplaces

Andy offers 3 signature workshops for corporations, nonprofits and governmental agencies, but can also tailor workshops to meet your organization’s needs.

Enacting Allyship: LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Workplace

This interactive workshop is an introduction to how to create greater inclusion for LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace. This session explores terms and concepts related to gender and sexuality diversity; up to date research on the experiences of LGBTQIA+ employees and the impact of affirming workplaces; and specific takeaways to support LGBTQIA+ communities professionally.

  • Develop a foundational understanding of concepts related to gender and sexuality diversity and intersectionality.
  • Accurately define terms related to LGBTQIA+ identities, including the most up to date language.
  • Understand the lived experiences and barriers LGBTQIA+ employees face based on recent research.
  • Learn specific and practical takeaways to support LGBTQIA+ communities interpersonally and professionally.
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions.
  • Duration: 60, 90, or 120 minutes
  • Size: Up to 50
  • For: Managers, Employees, HR Professionals
  • Format: Live Virtual or In Person & On Site
  • Cost: Get in Touch
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Three employees of diverse gender expressions laughing around a table
Two gender diverse people sitting at a table at work.

Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace

In this workshop, employees will learn about the needs and experiences of transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse employees, including up to date terminology and research, and actionable insights to create an affirming workplace for all.

  • Understand the differences between sexuality, sex, gender identity and gender expression.
  • Accurately define the terms transgender, nonbinary and intersex.
  • Name two examples of positive and affirming language and two examples of harmful or disrespectful language about trans people.
  • Identify two strategies to support transgender and nonbinary employees.
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions.
  • Duration: 60, 90, or 120 minutes
  • Size: Up to 50
  • For: Managers, Employees, HR Professionals
  • Format: Live Virtual or In Person & On Site
  • Cost: Get in Touch
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Gender-Inclusive Language & Pronouns in the Workplace

One of the most important ways to create an inclusive workplace for transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive employees is by using gender inclusive language. In this session, we will uncover common terms and phrases that may be inadvertently excluding or harming your transgender and nonbinary employees and what to say instead; we’ll learn about gender expansive pronouns, such as they/them/theirs; and explore practical ways you can create an affirming workplace.

  • Learn about gender expansive pronouns such as they/them/theirs and ze/zir/zirs.
  • Discover ways to utilize gender inclusive language and use pronouns to create a culture of inclusion at work.
  • Apply learning into practice through activities and action planning.
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions.
  • Duration: 60 or 90 minutes
  • Size: Up to 50
  • For: Managers, Employees, HR Professionals
  • Format: Live Virtual or In Person & On Site
  • Cost: Get in Touch
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A group of people of varying genders work in an office

Custom Workshops

Andy can tailor a workshop to meet your school’s specific needs.

  • Leading Inclusive Environments for LGBTQ+ Communities
  • Gender Diversity for Managers
  • LGBTQ-Inclusive Leadership
  • The History of Pride & Why It Matters
  • How to Address Misgendering in the Workplace
  • Gender-Inclusive Language & Pronouns in the Workplace
  • LGBTQ+ Inclusion for Employee Resource Groups
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We are so lucky to have had the opportunity to hire Andy as our keynote speaker for the University of Michigan Ross School of Business LGBTQ club’s annual TEDx style event OUTx. From the planning conversations to the execution of his presentation, Andy was wonderful to work with. He created a keynote address that wove together themes of coming out, allyship and LGBTQ inclusion in the workforce. He took the time to address the audience specifically, presenting our MBA students with the opportunity to use their degrees as future leaders who can play a role in re-writing the rule books for queer and trans people to thrive in business. He recorded a flawless presentation for us to screen at the live event, and we are so grateful for the time and energy he put into it.

Jill Dannis

We were fortunate enough to have Andy as a speaker during a recent Boingo UNITY event — an employee resource group where our BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and Boingoites with disabilities can bring their whole selves to the table for personal and professional development. Andy’s presentation on inclusivity, allyship, and challenging LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workplace was incredibly well-received by our team. His presentation was dynamic, informative, and incredibly easy to listen to — not easy in a remote environment! I would HIGHLY recommend Andy as a speaker, trainer, and presenter.

Dawn Callahan

Andy is extremely intelligent and very kind to all who were brave and spoke up— kind and his welcoming remarks to any speakers were precise, specific to their courage. He make the entire seminar a safe and potentially fruitful experience.

Eve Gordon, Acting Faculty

LOVED THIS SESSION! I learned so much and feel like I have a much better perspective of this topic and how to be a good, supportive ally. Thank you Andy for a wonderful workshop- I hope we continue to have the privilege to work with you!

Past Faculty/Staff Workshop Participant

So much important information was covered, and done so in a way that is meant to educate and build upon. It never felt like anyone was being judged or shamed for not knowing something. The intent was always to help us help our students.

Past Faculty/Staff Workshop Participant

Photo Credits: Vice’s The Gender Spectrum Collection and Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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